What do you get for a groomsman? After all, it's not quite his special day. Nevertheless, he'll be secretly sobbing over the loss of his best bud to the abyss of marriage, and a nice gift may go a long way towards consoling him. We at Abernook pride ourselves on our diverse selection of gifts designed to accomplish exactly that.
One idea is the Cork Pop III w/Foil Cutter, which he can use to impress everyone when he opens a bottle of champagne by removing the cork . . . from the inside out! This is certainly a party favorite that he will keep long after the wedding, if he can remember where he left it! He may also appreciate a leather Flask/Cigar Holder Set, in which he can carry his two most treasured possessions in one case.
Once you get past the drinking ideas (and there are so many), he may appreciate a wide variety of sports-themed gifts. A great example is a Golf Cereal Bowl, so he can enjoy his Cheerios and contemplate his putting at the same time. Another favorite is our Engraved Baseball Bat, a personalized and professional-grade Rawlings Big Stick baseball bat. For more such ideas, you should browse the vast inventory we offer at Abernook.
These and many other ideas are great ways to make a groomsman feel like he's part of the party, instead of just a spectator to some girl (hey, maybe that's you!) stealing his friend away from bachelor paradise. At Abernook, we think ahead to every facet of a special occasion, and provide trendy and unique gifts to suit each and every one. With Abernook, no one has to be left behind.